8 Celebrities Who Used To Teach

Most of us start dreaming about our future careers at quite a young age. For example, I knew by the age of three I wanted to be a nurse. This week I read that teaching came fourth in the top ten of dream jobs for children. A brilliant career and really worthwhile vocation was my first thought, and I?m sure most would agree, however where do you go after your dream teaching job? Become Head of your Department? Head Teacher? Could even head up a specialist recruitment consultancy to help more even more teachers and schools, like Lynis Bassett of Class People? Not a chance, there?s a big world out there, and if you are anything like these ex teachers, the next step can be very surprising! Here are my top eight celebrities that started off as teachers, how many did you know?

Gene Simons

Now, growing up the daughter of a guitarist, with rock music being blasted on all car journeys, I have known who Gene Simmons was from a very young age. Did I know the world famous Kiss guitarist supported himself through college by teaching in an elementary school? Not even an inkling! When asked the differences since changing career, the long tongued legend replied, ?When teaching, you?re in front of an audience who may not want to be there, as a rockstar, you?re in front of an audience who worships at your feet!?


Barack Obama

As the ex-president of one of the most famous countries in the world, you might have thought you knew everything there was to know about Mr Obama. It?s common knowledge that he?s a Harvard Law graduate, but not so widely known that after graduation he took a position as a lecturer at the University of Chicago. He remained a professor for twelve years, teaching constitutional law and was even offered a tenure-track position with the school several times! Of course, we all know what happened instead and Obama went on to become the first black president, and one of the most popular of the United States of America.


J.K. Rowling

After the death of her mother, Joanne Rowland?s world shifted from under her, never to return to the life she knew. Her relationship ended, and with her mother gone, a very nervous and anxious J.K answered an advert in the Guardian for English teachers in Portugal and was soon was teaching English as a foreign language. The bestselling Scottish author even took inspiration for her Harry Potter franchise from her time teaching, admitting that the character of Professor Snape was inspired by another teacher she disliked in school. As difficult as this time must have been, I?m sure she has no regrets about her decision to teach, turned out magically!



Back in the day, when The Police frontman was just plain old Gordon Sumner, Sting attended the Northern Counties Teacher's Training College from 1971 to 1974. Upon earning his degree, he took a job teaching at St. Paul's Middle School in Cramlington, England, where he worked for two years. Sting later said of working at a convent school, "I was the only man on the faculty. In fact, I was the only teacher not in a habit."

To have been a schoolgirl at that school?


Mr T.

I love that Mr T. was a teacher, imagine him telling you to quit your ?jibber jabber??! I know I would have behaved better! In the 1970s, the beefcake actor alternated between teaching and nightclub bouncing to make ends meet, no doubt instilling the fear of God to the students and revellers alike in Chicago from the mid to late 70s!

I pity the fools!


Sylvester Stallone

Leading nicely on to the man they call Sly, Italian Stallion actor Stallone attended the American College in Switzerland during the 1960s, working as a gym teacher to earn extra money. So in Rocky III, we were actually watching a teacher punch up!


Stephen King

Although he initially had to work in an industrial laundry after his college graduation, the horror word master had a teaching job that paid $6,400 a year at the Hampden Academy in Hampden, Maine. He wrote Salem?s Lot whilst living in a trailer and teaching in the day time. I?m sure he made a great teacher but not sure I would have appreciated story time as a little one in his class!


Jon Hamm

Last, but by no means least, the handsome Mr Hamm. Before he gained fame as ad exec Don Draper on Mad Men, he was a drama teacher at John Burroughs School in Ladue, Missouri. Among his students was Ellie Kemper (Erin from The Office) who most recently starred in the film Bridesmaids?which, coincidentally, also featured Hamm. Wonder if she gave him the acting tips this time round?


There are so many inspirational teachers out there, past and present, and this is a big shout out to you and a massive thank you to all of you going about your dream jobs, because, let?s face it, you guys don?t have time to sign autographs!


Anna Rankin is our early years recruitment consultant for Gloucestershire. If you are interested in finding out about the supply work opportunities we have available, please contact her on 01242 898124 or email AnnaR@classpeople.co.uk

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