Staff Retention | Class People

Staff Retention

At Class People, we understand the importance of staff retention in the education sector.

As Your Partners in Education, we pride ourselves on supporting schools and settings in any way we can.

High turnover rates can have a detrimental effect on the students, staff and the entire school community, which is why we are dedicated to providing our clients with effective strategies to retain the best teachers and support staff.

Retention starts with the recruitment process

Our recruitment process is thorough and efficient, with a strong emphasis on finding candidates who are the right fit for the school and the role. We provide ongoing support to help new hires settle in and feel supported in their new environment, including regular check-in calls with their consultant. 
We understand that professional development is key to staff retention. That's why we provide our candidates with access to training and development opportunities to help them grow and advance in their careers. We also work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and develop retention strategies tailored to their specific requirements.
At Class People, we are committed to providing the best education staff and ensuring their long-term retention.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your school or setting!